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<�b><�font size="+2">BOW WOMAN'S BIG MOVE<�/font><�/b>
<�p> A duple improper contra by Bill Olson <�/p>
<�p> <�b>A1:<�/b>
(hands across) Star L ~x 1 until men can meet in a long wavy line down
the middle of the set (Right hand to previous Neighbor Gent) (W still
have L hands joined)*(8), Bal the star/wave (R then L) (4), Pivot to R
one place ** to star/wave with W down the center (4) <�/p>
<�p> <�b> A2:<�/b>
Bal (4), pivot to R to star/wave with Men in center again (M RH to next N
gent) (4), Bal (4), M allem R 3/4 WHILE W allem L 1/2 (4)
<�p> <�b>B1:<�/b>
Bal and Sw Partner (face across)*** (16) <�/p>
<�p> <�b>B2:<�/b> 1/2
Prom(8), (with same Neighbors) Cir L 3/4, pass thru (to meet new N's) (8)
<�p><�b>Notes: <�/b>This dance is for Laura Lengnick, a woman always on the
move, but currently trying to get to the Asheville, NC area from Eastern Virginia.
Laura is also know as the "real Laura". We toured together in October, 2001
and had a really great time.<�/p>
<�p><�b>*<�/b>The main figure in this dance is the "star wave", a bunch of
hands across stars joined in a wave down the middle of the set by either Men
or Women joining RIGHT hands. The balance goes away from the center of the
star first which takes some getting used to but it has to be for the subsequent
pivot. **The pivot to the right is like a Petronella twirl. You always move
to the place of the person directly ahead of you, essentially turning the
star 1/4 turn to the Left each time. You pivot over R shoulder and move forward
around the star and then rejoin hands in the wave/star. The simultaneous
Allemands in A2 are an "eggbeater" move. The allemands actually "interleave"
with each other very nicely. In B1 partners meet for a "Gents Left hand,
Ladies Right hand" balance. Perfect!! ***The swing ends with couples offset,
couples are in between present and next neighbors. However the 1/2 Promenade
helps straighten this out. The Men pass L shoulders during the Promenade
and after the courtesy turn couples circle L a bit less than 3/4 with the
same neighbors they have been dancing with.<�/p>
<�p>I had been working on a dance with the star/wave figure for years. This
is what finally popped out on Nov 25, 2001 at the North Yarmouth, Maine dance
. The eggbeater move is really cool and is also featured in my dance L'Atterisage.<�br>
Return to: <�a href="http://www.billolsondance.com/billsdances.html">
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