A2 Gypsy and Sw Partner (16)
B1 Cir L 3/4 (8), Sw N (8)
B2 Hey, Men start L sh (16)
Notes: This dance was inspired by Rick Mohr who is always looking
for smooth ways to get into circling RIGHT. Check out Rick's Dances, "Rockin'
Robin" and "Comfort Deluxe" for two examples. In this dance I wanted to
get into the circle from a hey. Roger Diggle progresses from a Hey with
the Women starting with right shoulders into a circle Left in his
dance, "Roll in the Hey". This is just the mirror image of that. It is
NOT a forgiving dance however. If the hey lags behind, the Women especially
will not be on the right side of the set to form the circle. The dance
is for Charlie the Cat who likes fresh air. Charlie in the Window was written
in June 2002, and first called at the Concord Scout House on July 1.
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