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A1: Bal and Sw N (16)
A2: 1/2 W chain across(8) 1/2 Hey on LEFT diagonal (W st R sh) (8)
B1: Bal and Sw P (16) (face new couple)
B2: Cir L 3/4 pass through (with P), Cir L 1/2 with new neighbors (16)
Notes: This dance is trickier than it looks!
The figures are all simple and with the exception of the diagonal
hey, totally ordinary. The problem is when the "progression"
occurs (the pass through to meet new neighbors), the actives
are moving UP the hall and the inactives DOWN. This causes a
bit of confusion at times!! It's probably wise to warn the dancers
NOT to try to "fix" the dance!! This dance was written
for David Kaynor, whose dilemmas, by his own admission, are many.
The one I was referring to when I named the dance was his desire
to move back to Maine (where he spent his formative boyhood years)
with out having to get an actual JOB!!! The apparent dilemma
in the dance is the "backwards" progression!! Written
March, 1996.
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