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A1 Circle L 1/2, INACTIVES Swing (face up) (16)
A2 With new neighbors up the hall in 4's (inactives are in the middle)(8) turn alone and return, face across (8)
B1 Actives turn contra corners (16)
B2 Actives balance and swing, face down(16)
Notes: This was my first attempt at a double progression contra corners dance. Obviously it requires some room above the set. I like to tell the inactives to be ready to "scoop up" the actives after the swing in B2 so they will get more swing in A1! First called at the Dover, NH, dance on 9/27/97. Nat Hewitt and Jacqueline Schwab were playing. On the first walk-through I had everyone stop at the middle point of A2 and I introduced the band. That was also when I thought of the name for the dance!
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