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Questions? Dances to share? Email me: <�a href="mailto:callbill@hotmail.com">Bill Olson.<�/a> <�p> <�/p><�hr align="left" size="5" width="90%"> <�ul> <�h3> <�b>RETRO REEL<�/b><�/h3> A circle mixer by Bill Olson <�br>&nbsp; <�ul>Start in single circle of couples facing in, women on right <�p><�b>A1<�/b> Balance and Swing Partner (16) (end in promenade position facing ccw) <�/p><�p><�b>A2<�/b> All promenade (14) leave L hand joined w/ partner, M reach back w/ R hand, W forward to form a wave. (2) <�/p><�p><�b>B1<�/b> Bal wave (4), Allem R 1/2 to new wave (4), Bal wave (4), Allem L 1/2 to new wave (4) <�/p><�p><�b>B2 <�/b>RH Bal (4) box the gnat to change places (4), starting with RH, Grand right and left past 4 people, (4th is a left hand past current partner) (8) (fifth person is NEW partner.) <�br>&nbsp;<�/p><�/ul> <�b>Notes: <�/b>This dance is unusual because it progresses "backwards". Usually a circle mixer will have a "preview function", where you visit your future partner before he or she actually becomes your partner. In this dance there is a "review" function. After you "finish" dancing with your partner you meet him or her again three more times before you finally say goodbye. Composed March 9. 1999.<�/ul> Return to <�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/billsdances.html">Dance Menu<�/a> <�hr align="left" size="5"> <�br>&nbsp; <�center><�table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2"> <�tbody><�tr> <�td> <�h4> <�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/scrod.html">Home Page<�/a><�/h4> <�/td> <�td><�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/schedule.html">Dance Schedule<�/a><�/td> <�td><�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/togo.html">Scrod To Go!&nbsp;<�/a><�/td> <�td><�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/booking.html">Booking Info&nbsp;<�/a><�/td> <�/tr> <�tr> <�td><�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/members.html">Band Members<�/a><�/td> <�td><�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/bowdoinham.html">Bowdoinham Dance&nbsp;<�/a><�/td> <�td><�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/billscorner.html">Bill's Corner&nbsp;<�/a><�/td> <�td><�a href="/web/20111113182424/http://www.megalink.net/%7Epweeks/cool.html">Find-A-Dance<�/a><�/td> <�/tr> <�/tbody><�/table><�/center> <�p> <�/p><�hr align="left" size="5">This page is maintained by <�a href="mailto:pweeks@megalink.net">Pam Weeks<�/a> <�br>Updated on 7-28-99 <�!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 18:24:24 Nov 13, 2011 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 15:51:57 Dec 22, 2013. 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