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A circle mixer by Bill Olson
Start in single circle of couples facing in, women on right
A1 Balance and Swing Partner (16) (end in promenade position facing ccw)
A2 All promenade (16) (face in)
B1 Women walk forward (4) Men walk forward as women return (4) Women walk forward as men return (4) Women turn to face out, walk back to wave, right hand to partner, left to neighbor (4)
B2 Balance the wave x 2 (8) With partner box
the gnat to change places, pull by by right hand to meet neighbor
(new partner) (8)
Notes: In B1 dancers are encouraged to "whoop" during the forward and back sequences! (Hence the name!) The alternating pattern in B1 requires music that is well phrased in the B parts or the men especially won't hear the right time to go forward. We always like old timey tunes for circle mixers. The last time out we used a medley of Durang's Hornpipe (D), Dinah (A), and Forked Deer (D), a set that worked REALLY well. The dance was written on the interstate en route to the May 18, 1998, Scrod Pudding dance at Bowdoinham town hall.
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